A day in the life of Result CIC in London


When you run a business, more than half the work is about meeting people to create interest in your work. This is the ‘business development’ work which is not often seen by clients on the receiving end of services. Result CIC is a small, specialist social enterprise so has to work particularly hard at this. Fortunately Jane and Hormoz love meeting people!

Here is an example of a particularly busy day we recently spent in London.

22 March started bright and early with a breakfast meeting at 8.30 with Haqeeq Bostan, a private sector Director. Jane had worked with Haqeeq on disability rights legislation reform in Warsaw 9 years earlier. So this was a catch up, particularly focused on the big picture: what do disabled people need to get into jobs and progress in them? We also talked about the value of individual coaching and how the type of work we do might be scaled up in future to benefit greater numbers. We agreed that we needed to continue this conversation and are looking forward to seeing Haqeeq again in sunny Salford!

Next up was a walk round the corner to Channel 4’s high-tech headquarters – a buzzing hive of open plan offices and see-through meeting rooms. We had the pleasure of meeting Ade Rawcliffe who leads work on diversity in C4’s programming. Ade described C4’s fast-paced change, and the need to encourage their many independent production companies to observe diversity good practice. We will be following up an idea on how to help support members of staff with disabilities.

The third meeting of the day was at Westminster University. We had a wide-ranging discussion with Andy Norris and Elizabeth Baptiste social responsibility leaders. It was fascinating to hear about the growth of different staff networks and the plans for a ‘Network day’ on 10 May which many Universities are involved with. We described the work we do with the University of Manchester, providing a personal development course for staff with disabilities and how the person-centred approach could be used to support any group. Andy and Elizabeth were interested in looking at a multi-network programme later in the year.

After a pit stop for lunch and a chance to catch our breath, it was time to walk across to the BBC’s London offices. We were delighted to meet their Diversity and Equality Director, Tunde Ogungbesan and his colleague, Diversity Lead, Philippa Bird which whom we had had the pleasure of working with to plan our Divercity session in Salford. We discussed building self-esteem and personal confidence in staff from diverse groups, particularly staff with disabilities.

As we met, shocking news flashes started to appear on the large TV screens about the Westminster terrorist attack. It was surreal trying to take in what had happened. We felt the impact of this news as our final meeting of the day was to be in Whitehall to discuss digital diversity plans. With all Whitehall departments on lockdown immediately after the attack this was obviously impossible. It was a salutory reminder of the risks which public sector colleagues in particular take every day to keep us safe.

On the train back to Manchester we reflected on what an interesting day it had been and how lucky we were to meet such creative and engaging people. We are looking forward to developing these conversations and many others!

If you would like to talk to us Contact us to discuss any areas of interest.


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