Our vision and values

Learn more below

Our vision and values

We believe in a society where every individual can achieve their potential, feel fulfilled and make a valuable contribution.

Because of our own experiences, we are confidently different to other training and coaching organisations, empowering marginalised groups to become positive role models themselves. 

We value fairness, individual choice and seek to unlock potential, allowing personal strength to thrive.

We are:


These values inform the way we approach the people and organisations we work with and the way we run our workshops, coaching sessions and programmes.

Our model

We pay associates, including ourselves, only when we deliver work. We use our homes as offices and minimise overheads. This allows us to use our resources to maximise delivery to the benefit of people who need our services.

Our environment

  • we use public transport whenever possible
  • we provide online materials except where there is an access requirement
  • we print (when required) using companies with the highest environmental standards
  • we use dual-purpose home offices to reduce energy waste
  • we make regular use of phone and online coaching, reducing our carbon footprint.

Company Reg Number: 8096008

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