Why supporting us is different
Because we’re a community interest company, our not-for-profit business model allows us to prioritise the people who need our support. It is efficient.
Everyone, including Result’s Directors, Jane Cordell and Hormoz Ahmadzadeh, gets paid for the work they do rather than drawing a salary. We work from home when not delivering workshops in person. This means there is no pricey office space and no expensive overheads.
In fact, you are not really supporting us at all – you are directly supporting the people who need it most. Our clients. And helping them achieve more and inspire others.

How can you support us?
All of our work has a social purpose. You choose how you want your investment to be used. You could:
- boost our Inclusion Fund which allows us to offer support to individuals who need it but lack the means to pay for it
- directly fund a programme for an identified group
- sponsor an individual who has experienced exclusion to take part in a training programme