Are you an inclusive entrepreneur? Tell Parliament about it!

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A new All-Party Parliamentary Group on inclusive entrepreneurship (APPGIE)  was set up in 2020.

Chaired by Dr Lisa Cameron, MP, its purpose is to promote understanding of and support for enterprises run by people with what are legally called ‘protected characteristics’, particularly disabled people. The group’s work is encouraging inclusive economic growth – something the UK surely needs! Result CIC had some involvement in the early stages of the group’s development and as an inclusive company itself, is very interested in the progress of its work.

One of the APPGIE’s first major pieces of work is a research survey. It will be the very first such survey by a Parliamentary group specifically investigating inclusive entrepreneurs: what motivates them, what barriers they experience and the type of support they have benefited from – and need. Result CIC has completed the survey. It takes about 25–30 minutes to complete and offers a thought-provoking process and a useful opportunity for reflection and review.

If you are from a minority background, especially if you are a disabled person, neurodiverse or someone with a long-term health condition – and you run your own business, please consider completing the survey. By doing so you can also enter a prize draw:

The deadline for completing the survey is 31 January 2023.

Parliamentarians will be interested in the results of this survey. They are listening, so do take this opportunity to tell them about your experience as innovators and entrepreneurs if you can.

You can find out more about the project here.


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