Black History Month

A group of people hold up signs saying 'Show Racism the red card.'.'

Lewis Hamilton is supporting more black talent into teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

When you were at school, did you see your teachers as role models? How many of them reflected you and your background? Statistically, if you are black, your answer may well be ‘none’. That is something multiple world-champion Formula 1 driver and social activist, Lewis Hamilton believes is important and needs to change.

Hamilton launched research to understand why so few black people go into motor racing. One of the Hamilton Commission report’s findings was that there are too few black teachers in relevant subjects such as engineering. Hamilton notes that he did not have a single black teacher through his education. He feels that if he had, he would have achieved greater success in his studies. He comments:

‘We know representation and role models are important across all aspects of society, but especially when it comes to supporting young people’s development.’

Hamilton is now starting an initial 2-year project with Teach First to recruit and train 150 black teachers of STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) to work in schools in disadvantaged areas.

Result CIC specialises in working with people who feel marginalised, including people who may be one of the few in their workplace from a particular minority background. We know ourselves and from the many people we work with being in a minority can be a real challenge. It can also put more pressure on you to ‘fit in’. We know from experience that it is only when people can be fully themselves in life and at work that they can give of their best and be happy.

Our work with people who experience racism has ranged from University staff to people with a refugee or migration background and those living with Sickle Cell. It involves giving people the opportunity to explore who they are and, aside from cultural assumptions or expectations, what they want to do with their lives – what will fulfil them. We are embarking on new work supporting reciprocal mentoring between diverse staff groups.

To be a role model to others – Lewis Hamilton being an exceptional example – we need to first be confident about ourselves. If you or your organisation is interested in raising confidence levels and inspiring role models for the future, why not contact us?


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