Celebrating our humanity

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It's the 40th anniversary of International Day of People with Disabilities!

Today, 3 December 2021, is a day for celebration. It is International Day of People with Disabilities and is 40 years since the U.N set this date for global recognition of disabled people, their rights and contributions.

As a disabled-led organisation, a positive approach to – and appreciation of – disability is woven into everything Result CIC does. We are using today to reflect back and look forward.

Since International Disability Day 2020, we have had several opportunities:

In 2022 we are looking forward to working with our second cohort of Civil Servants who are future leaders with disabilities on the programme: Disability Empowers Leadership Talent. One of last year’s participants’ blogs about the strength that can come from vulnerability in the current health crisis is a recommended read. 

Ruth Fabby, Director of Disability Arts Cymru (DAC) said ‘We are all either disabled, or not yet disabled’. Think about it: every one of us either has a disability or long-term health condition or is close to someone who has. Disability touches all our lives. It is part of what makes us human. With it, we will often need to innovate, develop and strengthen our skills. Isn’t that worth celebrating?

We are seeking partners to offer further Level Best and arts programmes. Contact us if you are interested.


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