Celebrating the second year of success for our University of Manchester’s course participants


Between March and September 2015 Result CIC has been running a course called ‘Achieving your Potential’ for staff at the University of Manchester with disabilities. This was the second time the course has run. With a focus on sharing personal experience and development, this meant rich learning opportunities.

We were honoured that Ruth Gould, OBE, Artistic Director of DaDaFest (Deaf and Disability Arts) attended our celebration of the group’s achievement and presented course participants with certificates. Ruth gave an inspiring personal account of her own development journey from the negative influence of early mis-labelling of – and assumptions about - her disability to developing DaDaFest into an internationally recognised leader in its field with influence in every continent of the world. Ruth emphasised to the group that as disabled professionals the most precious resource is self-belief. We had to believe that we are important. Ruth’s talk produced a warm response from the group.

Overall, the group saw an average of 30% increase in criteria including self-confidence and ability to communicate needs related to disability. Some of the changes staff have made include: Thinking more positively and challenging negative thinking.
Being inspired to take more control of their situation.
Realising that society is disabling them.
Asking for the work environment they need.
Realising how they can support each other as a beneficial network.
Taking a new asset-based approach to career development


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