Certificate giving event at Liverpool John Moores University


January is often not a time when people celebrate! It is usually referred to as the 'dark and gloomy' month of the year. Of course it generally is bad, weather wise.

We were lucky enough to be involved in a warm celebration event though. The second development programme for disabled staff at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) ended in November of 2017. It wasn't until 24th of January 2018 that the certificate giving event could be organised with thanks to the efforts of Moni Akinsanya, Head of Equality & Diversity and Holly Nicholls, Equality & Diversity Project Coordinator.

It was also wonderful that Julie Lloyd and Greg Thompson from HR were present to support the occasion and to get first hand feedback from the attendees.

The guest speaker, Ruth Gould, MBE, Artistic Director of DaDaFest, gave a stirring and moving personal account of her resilient journey of success as a disabled leader. She also presented the certificates for this ILM-recognised programme.

The day was about the celebration of progress made by staff over the two runs of the programme. We are extremely proud of both cohorts and their achievements. Most of the people who attended the first run were there to talk about the long term impact that the programme has had on them. One reflected to a recent graduate that the real changes were only fully noticeable a year down the line.

We were pleased to talk about the next programme which is due to run starting in May 2018 and an important addition of a workshop for managers of disabled staff in September of this year.

This was truly a warm and joyous occasion which dispelled the January blues!

You can read more in the LJMU Staff Bulletin here.


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