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At Result we are lucky to work with and sometimes support extraordinary people. Recently, we've been working with Eric, a deafblind man in Salford.

Eric has been approached about taking the role of Chair for Salford Disability Forum. He's probably the first deafblind person in the country to be asked to chair such an organisation.

But Eric's access needs can be a huge barrier to carrying out tasks which many of us take for granted. Eric needs a combination of the right people and the right technology to provide the support that he requires.

There are approximately 450,000 deafblind people in the UK. At the moment, there are thought to be only 3 deafblind interpreters to support them.

As such we have taken the unusual step of setting up a crowdfunder to try and raise enough money to buy Eric an accessible laptop to allow him to carry out his new role, and many other things in daily life.

Because the role is voluntary, Eric cannot apply for the likes of Access to Work grants and must rely on funding technology needs himself.

We're part way there. Will you help?

Donate here:


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