February news


Early on in the new year – and decade –   Result CIC has embarked upon some fresh projects with one established partner and two new ones.

We have already run several projects with DaDaFest (Deaf and Disability Arts) based in Liverpool. These have included 1:1 coaching, and workshops for younger emerging artists. This year, for the first time, DaDaFest has commissioned a Self-development programme for disabled artists which combines workshops and coaching. The group shared their diverse and rich experience at the first workshop in January and set the pace for what we think will be an extraordinary developmental journey. We will keep you posted on how this progresses.

DaDaFest self-development programme with disabled arrtists. Photo by Rob Martin.

Last year we reported winning a contract with the Civil Service to run a brand new programme for civil servants on their prestigious Future Leaders Scheme (FLS) who have disabilities or long-term health conditions. The programme is called DELTA (Disability Empowers Leadership TAlent) and consists of 4 group workshops and 4 individual coaching sessions. There are 3 groups of participants. To maximise access, we are delivering to one group in a virtual format online – a new and positive experience for us. As we write, we have completed all three of the first workshops and the majority of the initial coaching sessions. We feel privileged to work with such a motivated, self-aware group who have brought powerful insights to discussions. We are looking forward to running the rest of the programme.

Our other new partner is Proud and Loud Arts, a disabled-led arts organization empowering disabled people via their creative work. We were introduced to the organisation by DaDaFest, who had commissioned some coaching for two group members. In the spring we will be delivering a short workshop focused on assertiveness: what it is and how to practise it in everyday life.

This new work involves innovating and ensuring there is an open and trusting dialogue with all our partners. There are further interesting new projects in the pipeline, so watch this space. And if any of these new ideas appeals to you or your organization, why not get in touch?


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