HIV Telephone Coaching


The Trailblazer Right to Control HIV coaching commissioned by Manchester City Council, which started in November 2012 came to a successful end in the beginning of September 2013. During this period several concerns were addressed by the coachees ranging from lack of confidence, to addressing isolation issues and an overall evaluation of the situation they find themselves.

Here are just a few quotes from them:
'Coaching was about making our lifetime ambition happen. It is now happening. The techniques I have learned will continue to support this new life, and will ensure that I prioritise self care to ensure I remain in good health'
Roger A

'I’ve learnt during my time in coaching that its ok to be you. The coaching with Andy helped me to anchor the past my present and my future in a grounded way'
Steve W

'I have regained my identity. I have stopped putting barriers in front of me which stop me from going forward. I realised that I was creating some myself. I really liked using the phone for my coaching. Hormoz, I’ll always appreciate the coaching through my life.'
Mercy G


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