Ideas Into Action: Year 2 seeks to support double the number of Refugee Entrepreneurs in this innovative, life-changing programme

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Lottery-funded partnership supporting entrepreneurial refugees finishes year 1 with 10 graduates, now seeks to double the number to put their Ideas Into Action for year 2.

100% of year 1 participants would recommend Ideas Into Action to other refugee entrepreneurs.

'The team are so generous, adaptable and steadfast - they don't give up on their entrepreneurs and are really effective in the way they help you find your vision and create it in reality.'
Year 1 participant.

The partnership behind Ideas Into Action, a three-year programme designed to support refugee entrepreneurs with the development of their social ventures, is on the lookout for more people, following a hugely successful first year.

Ideas into Action is a partnership between Salford-based Result CIC, a company providing life-changing coaching to underrepresented people and help for businesses seeking to develop inclusive practices, The Entrepreneurial Refugee Network (TERN) and Social Enterprise UK (SEUK).

Together, their programme enables refugees to develop their own social businesses or non-profits through the power of their own ideas.

The programme supports participants in creating and launching new social products and services for communities in the UK and beyond. Their positive social impact will help change perceptions about the contributions of refugees and migrants on society at a time of increased hostility towards these communities.

The programme aims to work with 60 refugee social entrepreneurs by the end of year 3, recruiting nationally. It will help to develop self-confidence, communication and networking skills - all vital assets in the successful running of a new business venture.

Participants will be assisted with building a team and volunteer force and in fundraising for their new social venture. Ideas Into Action will include group workshops and one-to-one coaching, as well as a yearly public fair for participants to launch and promote their social enterprises to the public.

Vital funding of £180,000 was awarded to the programme last year by The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK, and comes thanks to National Lottery players, who raise over £30 million a week for good causes across the UK.

Result CIC Directors Jane Cordell and Hormoz Ahmadzadeh established their social enterprise nine years ago, using their own lived experience of disability, racism, sexuality, mental health and more to reflect the lives of the marginalised or excluded communities they work with. This funding will have a significant impact on their ability to support more marginalised people in the future.

Jane Cordell and Hormoz Ahmadzadeh, Directors at Result CIC said:

‘Thanks to National Lottery players we are able to support even more people who have been refugees with specialist workshops, training and individual coaching. They will gain not only greater confidence in their ideas for starting or developing their own organisations, but also practical tools and crowdfunding to get started. The members of each group will be encouraged to support each other and, after finishing the programme, pass on their ideas to the next group. In this way we expect brilliant new organisations to start up plus a stronger community between its leaders.’

The funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, which distributes money raised by National Lottery players for good causes, is allowing Ideas into Action to benefit from the expertise of three outstanding organisations working as partners.

John Mothersole, Chair of England Committee at The National Lottery Community Fund, said:

'We are delighted to be supporting this scheme, helping to boost skills and employment prospects for refugees so they can lead fulfilled lives while settling into and contributing to life in the UK.

'It is thanks to National Lottery players that we are able to fund this impactful work that will result in improved opportunities for local economies and communities, enabling them to prosper and thrive.' 

Result CIC’s programme partners TERN and SEUK are thrilled to be part of Ideas into Action and have seen lives changed by the first year of the programme.

Fred Kastner, Director of Social Innovation at TERN said:

‘Ideas into Action is an opportunity for our community members to show how they use their passion, ingenuity and hard work to help communities in the UK and beyond. Their lived experience and deep community connections enable them to create solutions that fulfil the needs of members of society who are often overlooked and unheard. We have thoroughly enjoyed our partnership with Result CIC and SEUK to build a thriving community of Ideas into Action graduates/alumni who can partner up, amplify each other’s missions, and guide the next generation of refugee social entrepreneurs for years to come.’

Sofia Nibali, Head of Membership at Social Enterprise UK said:

‘We have been delighted to be working on this vital programme with Result CIC and TERN to support refugees create and grow their own social enterprises. From creating job opportunities to breaking down stigma and prejudice, the social enterprise sector has been a space where refugees can find a sense of community and belonging. It is great that this programme is helping refugees set up their own social businesses, using their own ideas and experiences to further help others. We look forward to welcoming all the participants into our network and to connecting them to peers so they can create great partnerships that will facilitate their success’

Potential partners, match funders and grant funders interested in supporting this innovative programme are welcome to get in touch. Year 2 of the programme is set to start in October 2022 and anyone interested to join it or for other information please contact:
tel: 07516 518194

Link to more information:

Link to application form:


Result CIC
We work with people who feel marginalised or excluded to become more confident about their abilities and to fulfil their potential. We also work with Directors, Managers and CEOs who need support to bring about positive change in terms of diversity and inclusion in their organisations. We each have personal experience of the issues affecting the people we work to support, including disability, immigration, mental health and sexuality. We have also worked in senior positions in industry and government.

Our vision is a society where every individual can achieve their potential, feel fulfilled and make a valuable contribution.

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Our main partner (The Entrepreneurial Refugee Network C.I.C.) is a not-for-profit with a mission to enable refugees to thrive through the power of their own ideas. TERN supports refugee entrepreneurs in the creation and development of their businesses, providing services throughout the different stages of the entrepreneurial process. The entrepreneurship support provides a platform not just for independence, but also for community building and empowered integration.

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Social Enterprise UK is the largest network of certified social enterprises in the UK and the leading global authority on social enterprises. Together with our members we are the voice for the sector. We have led public policy for nearly 20 years, helping pass the Social Value Act, and are a strategic partner to government. We exist to increase the profile of the sector through our campaigns and research and build the markets for our members - working with some of the UK’s biggest companies to support them to bring social enterprises into their supply chains. Our members reflect the diversity of the sector ranging from local grass-roots organisations to multi-million-pound businesses. We see social enterprise as the future of business.

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About The National Lottery Community Fund

We are the largest funder of community activity in the UK – we support people and communities to prosper and thrive. 

We’re proud to award money raised by National Lottery players to communities across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and to work closely with Government to distribute vital grants and funding from key Government programmes and initiatives. 

Our funding has a positive impact and makes a difference to people’s lives. We support projects focussed on things that matter, including economic prosperity, employment, young people, mental health, loneliness and helping the UK reach NET Zero by 2050. 

Thanks to the support of National Lottery players, our funding is open to everyone. We’re privileged to be able to work with the smallest of local groups right up to UK-wide charities, enabling people and communities to bring their ambitions to life.   

National Lottery players raise over £30 million each week for good causes throughout the UK. Since The National Lottery began in 1994, £43 billion has been raised for good causes. National Lottery funding has been used to support over 635,000 projects - 255 projects per postcode area.


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Please contact Result CIC for ALL interview requests:
07516 518194 



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