Join us at the Social Enterprise UK - Futures 2020 Event


The summer months gave us the opportunity to consider how to make new connections and who to make them with, so we became members of SEUK at the end of July of this year.

What better place to explore potential partnerships and collaborative work, than with fellow social entrepreneurs?

We are very much looking forward to the engagements to follow.

After a couple of meetings with key SEUK staff, we were delighted to be approached by them and asked whether we would want to contribute to an important digital summit they were organising for the late autumn.

Social Enterprise Futures is a new 2-day digital summit bringing the UK Social Enterprise movement together, taking place online on the 25th and 26th November. There are some eminent speakers and attendees, including ex Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

The summit has two key objectives:

  • to celebrate what the sector has achieved in the last year to keep going, keep open, and mitigate the worst impacts of Covid on people and society. 

  • to shape the future of our movement as we seek to build back better from the pandemic through inspiration, provocation, and discussion. 

At Result CIC we strongly believe in interacting with our audience, so our 40-minute session will do just that! The session is called:

Survive or thrive? Why inclusion is your best secret weapon
We want people to consider intersectional inclusion, to reflect and be challenged. This personally-focused session has been designed to give them the chance to: formulate a key question about their inclusive business refresh their awareness of and check possible bias learn from 3 ‘super collaborators’ and by responding to some powerful coaching questions answer their question through coaching and decide on an action.

This short film will be part of the presentation.

Our session is number 8 at 1.45pm on Thursday 26th of November during the 2-day summit. We hope that you will be able to attend and engage fully with our session especially!

This is a ticketed event. Please book in advance here.

Find out more about SEUK.


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