Leaders Fellowship: Result CIC and Reclaim in partnership


Result CIC are delighted to announce that they are partnering with the pioneering RECLAIM charity on a leadership programme for young people. RECLAIM have worked for 7 years now to connect influential yet vulnerable teenagers living in pressurised disadvantaged and stigmatised communities, with a network of supportive, challenging and well connected adults who can help reveal more positive life pathways.

RECLAIM has done their work in 7 regions within Greater Manchester. They are currently working in 3 of the most deprived areas in the country i.e. Gorton, Moss Side and Salford.

This new project which has been made possible by generous funding from the Clothworkers’ Foundation, sees 21 young people aged 14-19, over 3 years (7 young people each year, one from each of RECLAIM’s geographical areas of work) move from being talented young people with great potential, into established and recognised community leaders responsible for instigating innovative and authentic change. They will work closely with RECLAIM and RESULT CIC, to shape develop and deliver their community action plan for their own areas, on an area of social change that inspires them.

Each year for 3 years, a new cohort of 7 young people will be inducted onto the ‘Leaders’ Fellowship’. The Fellowship will provide an intensive training and development wrap-around programme designed to enable the young people to become active as inspiring leaders on real issues identified by their peers as urgent priorities. Each cohort of 7 young people will also take part in group workshops by RESULT CIC and RECLAIM plus master-classes that will give them the opportunity to share ideas and skills. They will also benefit from individualised coaching provided by RESULT CIC and mentoring to support them in affecting real change and working alongside those in power.

RESULT CIC are very excited to be partnering RECLAIM on this project which is going to start this September.


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