Level Best: a 'life-changing' experience

Image taken from video featuring a woman talking to camera

‘The programme has been invaluable and I feel truly privileged to have been a part of it.’ 

Back in January we started our first Level Best programme, something we had developed thanks to the Inclusive Delivery Fund offered by UnLtd, Comic Relief and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

We designed the programme specifically for people with lived experience of racism and / or who are disabled, and set aside a number of spaces for people matching that criteria who were unemployed. 

With a mix of masterclasses, one-to-one coaching and workshops, Level Best is about boosting confidence, developing networking skills and encouraging participants to see their differences as their strengths.

At the end of this first programme, we asked if anyone would like to share their experiences with us, and this is what they said…

We’re sure you’ll agree, Level Best has been a success in making a difference to those who took part.

If you like the video, please help us to share it so we can support more people with more programmes.

Here’s the link: 

If you’d like to run a programme like Level Best with us, get in touch.

Take a look at some of the other prgrammes run by Result CIC, such as our Diversity and Inclusion training, here.


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