LGBT History Month


February is LGBT History Month.

I do often think about how much progress we have made in a relatively short period of time… in this country and some others. Alas not in so many other countries where LGBT+ people can be harassed, tortured and killed.

It seems like there is an even longer journey of acceptance for the trans communities around the world.

I was heartened to see/hear about 2 stories this month which although they did not paint an easy route for people within the stories, displayed a resilience and determination to change society’s perceptions and therefore further acceptance. I let these powerful and touching stories speak for themselves.

Watch a video here.

And with so much talk about intersectionality, this story from a black, disabled and trans model is remarkable. Read it here.

It’s stories like these that remind us that when difference is cultivated and supported, the results can be quite spectacular, even in the face of hostility.

Our ethos at Result CIC is to work with marginalised people to become confident enough to feel at total ease with their identity.

Read more about Result CIC and LGBTQ communities.


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