New beginnings


Spring is a time for fresh starts. This is certainly the case for Result CIC! Here we describe five new projects – and a new role for Hormoz.

Salford BAME mental health champions

April sees the start of this brilliant community project in partnership with Salford CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) which Hormoz will facilitate. 12 members of the community from varied black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds will meet once a month for a year. The purpose of the meetings is to develop awareness of mental health and how to support the different communities the group come from. Salford CCG is providing Mental Health First Aid training as part of this. The first meeting was in April and we are looking forward to seeing how the group develops.

Leading with Civility: Manchester Health & Care Commissioning
Hormoz, Jane and the wonderful Andy Walker ran the pilot training day of this new programme for managers working in health, care and local authority roles. This was a person-centred day encouraging the group to explore concepts such as dignity, civility and compassion and what they mean in the work context. This is particularly important at a time when pressures on public sector staff are mounting and workloads can increase.

One of the areas we looked at was active listening and the difference it makes when someone really listens to you. We practised this in role plays based closely on the experiences of Andy Walker, whose many talents include professional acting. Small groups prepared for the role plays. The day concluded with a powerful and memorable talk from Andy.

The feedback on the pilot was really positive. One person praised the ‘excellent interaction between presenters/facilitators – complementary of one another and engaging.’ Another said they: ‘felt that I have been given licence to lead by example and to create the conditions for psychological safety.’

'Strength' cards used in exercises.

Shaw Inc. talk for Women’s Network
In a first for Result CIC, we will be working with a large private sector company, Shaw Inc. The company provides flooring and design. It has a strong ethos based on diversity and creativity. Hormoz and Jane will be giving an interactive session about ‘Being Your Authentic Self’. The emphasis will be on building confidence which can reduce stress. Being yourself at work and in your personal life helps to build and strengthen confidence and personal resilience which can also help to reduce stress.

Emerging artists’ coaching
DaDaFest have commissioned Result CIC to provide coaching to 6 emerging disabled artists around the UK. How do we coach people from diverse geographical bases? We offer flexibility with the option of coaching by phone, video or instant messaging method.

And finally…. A new ‘hat’ for Hormoz: Board member for charity supporting young people’s mental health
We are very pleased to announce that Hormoz has been selected to act as a Board member for 42nd Street, a thriving Manchester-based charity supporting young people’s mental health and emotional well-being.

This will be Hormoz’s first external Board role and we are sure he will be an asset to the charity and learn loads too! Congratulations to him!


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