New look, new access

Result CIC homepage featuring access functions

Are you happy with your appearance?

How many people would say ‘no’? It’s easy to be self-critical, isn’t it? The range of filters we can now apply to our photos before posting them on social media is tempting. We can superficially improve how we look.

But have you ever thought that tools of that type could provide not just an aesthetic boost, but a vital way to be able to understand content online?

If you have a visual impairment or certain types of neurodiversity such as dyslexia or autism, you may find many websites confusing, off-putting, or downright inaccessible. Factors such as light, font size and colour can make all the difference.

Result CIC exists to support people who are marginalised. We, therefore, try to regularly evaluate what we do and how accessible it is. When we saw a demonstration of a new website tool which lets the visitor personalise their settings, we were immediately interested.

This new tool allows you as a visitor to our website to do the following things:

  • Change your font size.
  • Create more space between words and lines.
  • Choose the colour – from a full rainbow colour wheel – of your background and text.
  • Opt to have no colour – everything in black and white.
  • Place a virtual ‘ruler’ under text lines.
  • Choose a reading ‘mask’ which puts light on the line you want to read and shades the rest of the text.
  • Combine several of these factors to get the screen’s appearance just right for you.
  • Re-set it back to its standard appearance. 

We think this offers our website visitors better access, choices and a more personal experience. But don’t just take our word for it - go to the top right corner, click on the Settings ‘wheel’ tool and try it out for yourself.

We would welcome your feedback about this new access tool and how it may help you enjoy our website.


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Block Colour Classes

shapedBlock whiteBlock transparentToWhite
shapedBlock darkBlueBlock whiteToDarkBlue