Our Social Impact Report for 2020-23

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'This programme has changed my life, and that's not an exaggeration.'

We're pleased to present our new report detailing our work and impact from 2020-2023. This is our fourth Social Impact Report but the first to incorporate our new brand and refreshed look.

We really hope that you enjoy it.

Inside the report, we talk about our partnerships, our Inclusion Fund, we provide case studies, the outcomes of our programmes, as well as information about our sustainable practice, our financial data and, of course, the impact of our work on the various people and organisations we have supported.

You can download the full report here.

If you'd like to see all of our previous reports, visit this page on our website, Our Social Impact.

If you would like a printed version of this report or have it in a different format, please Contact Us.


We are what we do and we love what we do.



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