Reflections and firsts for 2018


We have already reported on some of the new areas and programmes we got involved in. The end of the year is a good time to do a further round-up of what we have done:

  • We finished our first programme of coaching and workshops with people living with Sickle Cell. This lottery funded programme was the first of its kind and we have been exploring new ideas with the Manchester Sickle Cell Centre manager Verna Davies and a new project partner to bring into life an even more innovative package of support for this group. Our discussions with the Big Lottery for this project have already started.
  • Hormoz and a couple of associates of Result CIC (Cyril Shah in Finance and Rob Martin in Marketing) had sign language lessons to facilitate communication with Jane. The jury is out as to their level of progress! 
  • We bid to give support to homeless people by offering ncoaching for those who are ‘coaching-ready’. These are people who are at a point when they want to/can make definite changes to their lives.
  • Our Away Day really gave us a further focus our priorities:
    - Working with managers of people with minority characteristics to create better communication.
    - Our work to further expand on the idea of having the confidence of ‘taking your full self’/’being yourself’ at work/home.
    - An upward spiral of progression for people we work with.
  • We got nominated and then short-listed for an award. This was for the inaugural ‘ThisisMcr’ awards in the ‘Organisation making a difference in the community’ category. So we decided to run our first crowd-funder to raise money to take some of the people we have worked with to them. We managed to raisethe funds and had a great time with 8 of our previous stars! It was a fun night.
  • Andy Hilton delivered an introductory half-day workshop for DaDaFest for their Mentors. The second half-day will follow in April which will allow the mentors to consider progress for their mentorship relationships, together with new skills to continue with.
  • Andy also delivered a facilitated workshop for a new client Save the Children, a project bringing together main stakeholders from the Smallshaw-Hurst community to get the best results for children in the area from different services. There should be a follow-up in the New Year.
  • Finally, our development programme for University of Manchester junior BAME staff ended in December. We have previously reported on their progress and the end was no disappointment. What was good is that they had quite a bit to say to representatives of the university and they had receptive ears to hear their messages.

Two round-up articles about 2018! Needless to say, we look forward to the exciting projects ahead of us with continued vigour in 2019.


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