Result CIC is in the news


We've been overwhelmed this week to be featured in the press, locally, nationally, and internationally.

During the lockdown, we decided to offer coaching sessions to frontline workers facing challenges with their mental health free of charge. Our Inclusion Fund allows Result CIC to provide this to people normally unable to access such services. In fact we made a short film about it.

Now, that work has been unexpectedly acknowledged in a surprising way.

Time Out has recently published the results of a survey identifying the 'best cities in the world.' And whilst it was no surprise to us to see our wonderful home city of Manchester come as high as third on that list of magnificent places, we were flabbergasted to be included as one of the reasons why.

The article cited such things as Manchester International Festival, the hosting of Grayson Perry's Art Show and the cultural significance of Manchester as a major factor in the city's popularity. Then the piece went on to say:

"On a more local level, small firms like Result CIC offered free mental health support to frontline workers, while the Eagle and Child pub gave away 4,500 meals to vulnerable locals."

As a consequence, we've been featured in other publications and news outlets reporting on the story, including The Manchester Evening News and The Independent.

As a not-for-profit social enterprise directing resources into the delivery of our programmes to support marginalised people, it's not easy to get or do the kind of promotion for our work that we wish we could. So acknowledgment like this is both unexpected and hugely appreciated.

And it's great to see one of our favourite pubs, The Eagle and Child, featured. They are also a social enterprise, somewhere we actually go to for some of our away-days. Congratulations to the team there.

You can find out more about the work we've done over the last year in our Social Impact report here.

Read the full listings of the world's best cities in Time Out here.


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