Result CIC shortlisted for Excellence in Social Enterprise award


Result CIC is a young social enterprise. We will be two years old in June 2014. But by developing strong partnerships in the North West, we have been able to significantly develop our work and influence.

As a coaching organisation we value reflection. So we thought it would be useful to go through the process of applying for a Social Enterprise North West (SENW) excellence award. We found that considering and summarising our achievements, was highly encouraging and motivating.

SENW has over 4,800 members and the annual awards attract hundreds of applications. CEO of SENW, Val Jones said ‘We were overwhelmed with the range and calibre of entries this year’. So it was a great honour and surprise to learn that we had been shortlisted for the Small Social Enterprise category and to be told that the initial judges believed our work ‘is among the best in the North West’. Andy and Jane attended a glittering ceremony event on 14 March.

SENW put on a great show and the organisation was impressive. The event also offered a great networking opportunity for Andy and Jane, who enjoyed meeting other social entrepreneurs and learning about how they carry out their work to achieve social aims.

We were up against 9 other outstanding organisations in our shortlist. And while we were not the winners this year, Hormoz, Jane and Andy agree that it was a huge honour to have reached this stage.The experience has motivated us even more to develop Result CIC to achieve its vision.


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