September News

Jane Cordell and Hormoz Ahmadzadeh

Hormoz looks at recent developments and upcoming activity.

September - it’s like the start of a new term. Remember that feeling of coming back from summer holidays with a sense that you’re ready for the adventures of the new year to come?

We ended our major programmes in July, and August was mainly much-needed downtime which included a planning Away Day. Even if just some of our plans come true, it will be an exciting time ahead! 

Thankfully during the summer period, we were lucky enough to get confirmation of some excellent future work opportunities.

A new client for us is the Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP) whose aim is to reduce destitution experienced by asylum seekers by helping them to obtain housing and welfare support. They also provide free legal advice and representation at the Asylum Support Tribunal. 

ASAP was looking for an audit of its current Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policies. This is to be followed by training for all staff and the board with a particular focus on recruitment for the staff and trustee’s roles and responsibilities of EDI. The audit work in collaboration with one of our experienced associates is about to commence and we look forward to the training which will follow this with much interest.

Another exciting development is the return to working with the wonderful Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). We have had a relationship spanning several years working with disabled staff and managers who want to improve their awareness of working with them. All the delivery will be between January and June and is a combination of workshops, 1-1 coaching and Action Learning Sets for review of learning .

We have previously reported on the latest run of the Ideas into Action programme for social entrepreneurs from refugee backgrounds – the deadline for applications is 21st of September. If you know anyone who would benefit, let them know before it’s too late! This programme has a November start.

We are also awaiting confirmation of dates for the next DELTA programme with the Civil Service. This is a programme for future disabled leaders or those live with long-term conditions. 

It will be a busy year ahead, but the restful summer has got us ready for the work!

Finally, two important bits of news regarding mental health. I have previously written about the fulfilling role I hold as a trustee of 42nd Street working with young people for their emotional health and wellbeing.  

It gives us great pleasure to let you know that, following a tender process, Result CIC was chosen to provide all frontline staff (100+) with EDI Awareness sessions. As mentioned in the blog I wrote, (link above), it’s an indication of how seriously the organisation takes EDI. This training forms just part of an extensive programme of EDI work spanning the whole organisation.

We look forward to delivering 4 sessions towards the end of this month. 

Linked to mental health, we want to highlight an opportunity to support an important fundraising initiative which a small team of lipspeakers at The Association of Lipspeakers with Additional Sign (ALAS) has started. 

ALAS Lipspeakers and BSL Interpreters are running for PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide, as they want to remember Lucy, the daughter of one of the lipspeakers who took her own life. Please visit the page and help raise funds for the work of this charity. 



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