Social Impact Report – quantitative data


Result CIC published a social impact report for the first time last year. Our year runs from July to June and we looked at our activities and outcomes over the 2017 – 2018 period. We have to say that we were really pleased by the reaction that the report received. 

The report features on our website with an easily readable page by page method as well and the hard copy has also been admired by many!

So the task of putting together another report for 2018-2019 over the summer months became an essential requirement. We always gather qualitative feedback through the programmes we deliver. We are proud and privileged to receive so many positive and inspirational quotes. The comments of ‘it was life-changing’ don’t come to many readily and to see it being used repeatedly is highly rewarding.

The task of showing quantitative data is a bit more complex and time consuming. Apart from the numbers we have trained and coached, it is important to capture gains, or otherwise, the people we work with make. We get the more usual feedback which rates the content, quality, materials and the delivery/knowledge of the facilitators from 1-5, with 5 being the highest score. This is a useful more immediate way of showing thoughts about the experience. We use these for our 1 day workshops as well and delegates can add comments to them to further expand on the response to the day.

The main method we have used to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of our longer programmes (these can be between 3 – 5 months) or coaching sessions, is to ask people to give a rating (this time from 1-10) to varying criteria which are relevant to the outcomes of the personal development training or coaching. We ask them to fill in a questionnaire before and then after the programme or the group of coaching sessions. We then look at percentage changes pre and post-delivery for each criteria and an average across the board.

An example of a programme we delivered to junior BAME staff at the University of Manchester and the outcomes is below. There were 6 criteria:

  • I am self-confident
  • Resilient when handle change
  • I work well with others
  • I am making the best use of my skills
  • Communicate clearly and with confidence
  • I feel at ease with who I am

It was particularly impressive to see areas like ‘I am self-confident’ (+47%), ‘I am making best use of skills’ (+67%) and finally ‘I feel at ease with who I am’ up by a huge (+69%). 

We are in the finalising stages of the new report with which we are excited about. From the feedback questionnaires we have had a staggering 100% saying that they would recommend us to others – no pressure! This is quite a statistic to maintain, and of course we will carry on doing our best to give of our best with the help of our associates who work with us so well. Thank you to all for their contributions over the last year.




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