What is our social impact?


In the spring 2018 we decided we wanted to gather together information about Result CIC's social impact.

This is a concept used by social enterprises to capture its progress, similar to an annual report but focusing on the ‘triple bottom line’. This means demonstrating your impact on:

  • society
  • the economy
  • the environment.

Doing this for the first time means you have to ask good questions. As a coaching organisation we like this of course! But it is no easy task. We thought that we wanted to start by clarifying exactly who we are and why we are in existence.

Getting the numbers
We found it interesting to calculate diversity data about ourselves as an organisation. For example all of our regular associates are disabled or have a long-term health condition. Half are LGBT and half are BAME. We are proud of this rich experience we share.

As we run quite a wide variety of programmes, tailored to our diverse clients, we then had to consider how to present what we had done over the year in a consistent way. Inevitably this means using ‘headlines’ such as the number of people we have worked with, and the number of coaching and training sessions we have delivered.

For our larger programmes we had comparable sets of self-assessment data against criteria such as improvements in self-confidence, communication and making the best use of skills in their jobs.

Finding the words
We also reviewed sets of feedback from our programmes and drew out common themes. These centred around participants:

  • being able to make better and clearer decisions for themselves 
  • feeling more in control and as a result -
  • feeling less stressed.

Often, participants reported that being able to communicate more assertively seemed to be important to this process.

We had some great feedback from our clients so have included some direct quotes from them. A big part of what we do is encouraging people to share their stories and experience in a safe environment. The impact of doing this is immeasurable, we think.

So we wanted their voices to be in the report too.

We worked with a designer to make our report as clear and accessible as possible. We have included infographics to support the key data. We are pleased with the end product and as ever we welcome your feedback on this to help the next report be better!

We have produced some hard copy versions of the report to a very high environmental specification. If you would like a copy, let us know.

Do contact us with your thoughts.

Read the report online using the Full Screen option on the bottom right of the screen.


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