Workshop with University of Manchester Careers Consultants


Some of you may have gathered that we have been delivering training and coaching to the University of Manchester for 4 years now. This has been through a highly successful programme for disabled staff called ‘Achieving your Potential’.

News of this success reached the Careers Department of the University who approached us to create a workshop day with their careers consultants. The workshop was to examine their own and their clients’ experiences to help them to develop further self-esteem, self-confidence, enhanced personal styles and the ability to relate to others through discussion of their careers.

The group of 20 consisted mainly of careers consultants.  Jane and Hormoz designed the day carefully to remind, confirm and embed existing skills as well as introducing new ideas, challenges and enhancing skills. Hormoz delivered the workshop to a highly engaged group.

The response to the workshop was very positive. Here are some typical comments:

‘Thanks! Been to several training sessions recently – this has been the most thought provoking and practically useful’.

‘…Hormoz was an authentic presenter who was comfortable opening up questions to our group – as a group which values sharing, this was much appreciated, rather than the ‘sage on the stage’. He made the day connect and resonate for us – thank you!’

‘Great facilitation; real engagement with the audience. I felt that Hormoz had really understood our needs and this was not a generic skills session.’

‘Thanks for your genuine delivery style….highly stimulating and enjoyable day.’


Read more about the careers service of the University of Manchester here.

If you want a similar workshop to be delivered for your organisation, please contact us.





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