You, Your Strengths & Future Progress


Result CIC delivered a 1 day workshop in October 2016 for the BME network of staff from the Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT), designed to build on their existing strengths and to encourage a focus on future growth. Through a group of hospitals and community services, CMFT provides healthcare across Greater Manchester and the North West. With an annual turnover of over £850 million, the Trust sees over one million patients each year.

Our conversation with the CMFT BME staff network started with Naseem Sheikh the Chair of the group and Elizabeth Naamorkor Caulley, an active member who had experienced our ‘Achieving your Potential’ programme at the University of Manchester and was highly enthusiastic about the experience!

Together we came up with the content of the 1 day workshop entitled: You, your strengths and future progress. We designed this to achieve the following objectives:

- Understand yourself and your values more clearly
- Develop a positive mindset and personal resilience
- Understand your strengths and how to use them more fully
- Assertiveness and assertive communication
- Understand your communication style and others’

We had a very interactive and lively group of 10 people from different hospitals and job roles from within the Trust who attended the day. They openly revealed personal stories which needed resilience and there was much discussion about overcoming barriers.

The feedback was excellent:

'Today actually made me think about a couple of things rather differently, which is rare.'

'Due to strong recommendation……..I was compelled to attend your workshop on Monday, which was very productive. I was immensely impressed with the delivery of the workshop.'

'I really love the real life scenarios practically used for the workshop.'

'This was my first time doing something like this and it was an eye opener. I enjoyed the personal resilience, the framework and assertiveness.'

'It was a brilliant motivational course especially for someone like me with mental health issues.'

We can tailor our training and coaching services to make them specific to BME groups. Read more.


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