
About DaDa

DaDa is an innovative arts organisation based in Liverpool. With the Social Model of Disability at its core, DaDa delivers festivals and events to promote high-quality disability, deaf and neurodiverse arts from unique cultural perspectives.

It also produces opportunities for disabled, deaf and neurodiverse people to access the arts, including training and a young people’s programme.

Our work with DaDa
We have provided various training and mentoring programmes for DaDa.

Young DaDaFest 2018
This consisted of three training events with two facilitators, with discussion exercises around self-awareness, finding strengths, improving decision-making and networking skills.

‘I liked the exercise from negative to positive [thinking] – how we can change things.’

DaDaFest workshops for mentors 2019 & 2020
‘The training was very useful and I’ve picked up new methods that I hadn’t considered before and will make sure I implement in the future.’

DaDaFest Emerging Artists
We provided workshops and 1:1 coaching for ten senior professional artists who were mentoring less experienced disabled artists.

Find out more about DaDa.


Company Reg Number: 8096008

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