My style of coaching is intuitive, creative, and empathic, and has authenticity at its centre. Adventure, Integrity, and Variety are core values of mine that I bring to my life and work. I’ll support you to listen to your instincts, explore what you crave and long for, and restore your sense of self; allowing you to make choices and decisions that you connect with authentically.

I've been coaching for ten years, and my background is in the non-profit sector. I've been supporting adults through change, transition, careers, well-being, addiction and resilience for over 15 years.

I discovered coaching after years of falling into roles that I was in experienced in, but that drained my energy, stole any quality of life from me, and left me unrecognisable to myself. I now know the importance of boundaries, self-care, and showing up at work and life unashamedly as myself. Always.


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