News update: work in progress

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Since Hormoz last reported Result CIC’s news on 18 May several projects have got started or come to fruition, including our Ideas Into Action Demo day - watch our short film below.

The fabulous Ideas into Action programme we run in partnership with TERN and Social Enterprise UK funded by The National Lottery Community Fund ended brilliantly last month with a graduation event and public pitching evening session. We were delighted to welcome Chris Mitchell from the Lottery to the graduation and participants enjoyed their direct conversations with him.  A big thank you to those of you who supported this inspirational group of new social entrepreneurs, whether by attending the event, or by supporting their crowdfunding campaigns. The entrepreneurs – and we – really appreciate this.

There's still time to offer support - the deadline for the campaigns has been extended to Friday 28 July. You can support here.

Are you – or do you know someone – from a refugee background with a great idea for a social business? There will be one more year of Ideas into Action starting this autumn (2023). We'll be announcing enrolment very soon so if you know someone who may be interested, get them to sign up to our newsletter.

The new live online career development programme for disabled staff at BT launched at the end of June online with a successful first group workshop. Coaching is now underway. The programme will end in November.

Our hybrid programme for the Step Change consortium of charities in the North West which support refugees, started with an in-person workshop. Participants will have online coaching – a particularly flexible option.

Locally to Result CIC, the Salford integrated Care Partnership short project with local D/deaf people and NHS managers, including a summary report, was completed in June. There was good participation and a lot of constructively critical suggestions put forward. Feedback on the event was extremely positive.

Coaching with leaders of Salford Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) is continuing with support from Salford CVS (Community and Voluntary Service).

This year’s DELTA (Disability Empowers Leadership Talent) programme with disabled civil servants aiming to enter the Senior Civil Service ended this month. By popular request from the 50 participants, the lively final workshops built in time to explore ideas for ensuring the Civil Service’s provision for disabled staff is more consistent and accessible. One of the programme’s features is how mutually supportive its participants have become; they have truly created a ‘DELTA community’ which is making positive waves! We are looking forward to meeting the new, larger DELTA cohort in the autumn in focus groups and to starting the programme proper in early 2024.

As we head into the quieter month of August, we have been reflecting on the privilege of working with the people we do. Their self-awareness, enthusiasm to learn and develop never ceases to fire us up. A big thank you to everyone we have worked with so far this year!

Last but definitely not least, our sparkling new brand is waiting in the wings to make its public appearance. We expect to be able to reveal this just in time for the ‘new term’. Keep an eye out for the lovely warm colours and let us know what you think please!


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