Result CIC's Advisory Panel


Some of you may remember our announcement in October’s newsletter about how delighted we are that three highly experienced advisors have joined our ranks.

Following Andy’s stepping down as an executive director and becoming Director Emeritus, he has remained as part of the advisory panel. Given that he set up Result Coaching many years ago which supported establishing the CIC, his contributions in terms of continuity of best service will be much appreciated.

You can read more about the panel here and we would like to take this opportunity to thank the panel who have already made significant contributions after only two meetings. These are influential people contributing in the areas they are particularly strong in; Haqeeq Bostan in the area of policy and research, Jackie Driver in social impact and networking and Ruth Ibegbuna in campaigning and fundraising.

We look forward to drawing on these exceptional strengths in our panel in 2018 and facilitating Result CIC to achieve more within existing and new opportunities.


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