We Are 10!


Do you remember your 10th birthday? There is something about moving into double figures that makes it feel like more of a milestone, isn’t there? 

Result CIC is 10 this month. 10 years of working to empower and support marginalised people using our own lived experience.

So much has changed in that decade. Back in 2012 Britain was in the European Union, inflation was at 2.6% (it’s now more than three times that at 9%) and nobody had heard of Covid-19. Who would have believed you then if you had told them about the changes that were coming up? The global, local and personal challenges those changes have presented have been huge, especially for people who feel excluded already. 

So, is there still a need for Result CIC’s work?

Very much so.

Is developing a social enterprise straightforward?


It involves patient, careful building of trust and partnerships over time. 

This work is all about relationships. Traditionally, the 10th year of marriage is marked with tin or aluminium. Both materials represent the durability and flexibility needed to sustain a relationship. Result loves this symbolism because we encourage these qualities in the people we work with to help them navigate happier and more rewarding lives.

We have felt honoured to work with over 1,500 individuals and a wide range of organisations from small charities to Universities and the UK Civil Service. It has been a joy to provide coaching and training, including for leaders and managers in organisations that want to become more inclusive.

So we asked ourselves, how should we celebrate? We believe strongly in celebrating your success. After some thought, we realised that the celebration was already in our calendar and it was magically connected to the number 10 too! 

On 8 June the first group of new social entrepreneurs from our project Ideas into Action for people from refugee backgrounds presented at a Showcase event. They launched their ideas and ventures to an audience of over 70 people keen to listen to their ideas and experiences.

We decided that the best way to mark our own birthday was to contribute to these exceptional people’s new projects. If you are interested, take a look at their crowdfunding pages.

We are delighted to be able to mark our 10th birthday by thanking all of you – friends, colleagues, partners, funders and advocates. Your success is our success. Without your support and the trusting partnerships we have with you, Result CIC could not be here and celebrating.



Latest News

(No) escape into the arts?

In this series of three blogs Jane takes a personal look at the impact of the arts, and how it feels to be excluded.

Beyond the big table

Charlotte Forshaw writes about embracing the power of small-table energy.

Disabilty Empowers Leadership Talent: DELTA

Hormoz writes about the ongoing growth and impact of our DELTA programme with the Civil Service. Could you benefit from a similar programme?

Spotlight on vulnerability

Jane explains how she ended up taking to the stage in Brighton in 2024 to go public about the discrimination she experienced in 2009.

Coaching, grief and me

Guest writer Cardy Camara on the support that coaching provided during a period of grieving.

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