I am

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Value yourself and your difference

'Coaching was about making our lifetime ambition happen. It is now happening. The techniques I have learned will continue to support this new life, and will ensure that I prioritise self-care to ensure I remain in good health.'


Who is it for?

If you feel excluded, our coaching is for you. You may feel excluded because of your disability, race, sexuality, neurodiversity, sexism, or being a refugee. Or it could be another reason.

We can support you to overcome issues which may be stopping you from achieving all your potential. This is the same process if you are a Chief Executive or currently not working. We can help to get you where you want to be, personally and professionally.

What we do

We provide individual coaching sessions to nurture and encourage you.

The coaching will help you decide the best way forward for you. Our coaching style is flexible. We adapt to you and your style. This means the coaching sessions will work for you.

Coaching is based on this idea: YOU have the power within yourself to improve and achieve.

Often all that is needed is the right support.

Coaching can happen:


 And we are always open to new methods too.

Why it's different

We understand the challenges that you might have faced to get to the point where professional coaching is your next step. Why? Because our own lived experience means that we have probably been there ourselves – or somewhere similar.

We will match you with a coach who understands your individual needs. They will empathise with your experience so far.


Our coaching is structured, practical and focused on you. It is about your goals, ambitions and needs. It is non-directive. It is not about giving advice or telling you what to do. When we coach, we listen, clarify, challenge you to achieve your goals.

Worried about costs?

For many people, individual coaching is not an affordable option. That is why we hold an Inclusion Fund offering our services free of charge.

Would you or someone you know benefit from free coaching?

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The Impact

Here’s what some of our coaching clients have said about their experience.

'I have regained my identity. I have stopped putting barriers in front of me which stop me from going forward. I realised that I was creating some myself. I really liked using the phone for my coaching. I’ll always appreciate the coaching through my life.

M, former Asylum Seeker

'I think the biggest gain for me was increased confidence in myself, particularly with regards to what I had to offer in an employment/skills sense but also what I had to offer as a person. At a time when confidence was low my coach mirrored back things I had forgotten about myself and this gave me a push to realise I could do the things I was setting out to do.'

Participant in Being + coaching project with George House Trust

Company Reg Number: 8096008

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