A rainbow in the clouds

A black woman speaks into a microphone whilst a taller black man looks on

We didn't want to let the month go by without acknowledging the wonderful Verna Davis, who retired this week.

Verna has spent 38 years dedicated to improving the lives, treatments and care of people with Sickle Cell and, in a fantastic event on the 23 November at the  Central Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust's Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Service centre, friends and colleagues got the chance to say their thank-yous, pay tributes, and catch up with someone who has had such a big impact on so many people.

The evening was compered by Mike Shaft and, amongst several readings, music and singing, there was a reading from Maya Angelou's 'Rainbow in the Cloud.'

We wish Verna a very happy retirement.

Result CIC was fortunate to work with Verna and a group of people living with Sickle Cell back in 2017 on a program that we recorded in this film.


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