Be a confident presenter: top tips

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Public speaking anyone? Nope? You are not alone. The prospect of speaking to an audience is something most of us dread. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

A key workshop in Result CIC’s Ideas into Action programme, supporting new entrepreneurs, partnering with TERN is about how to present confidently. Here Hormoz and Jane share 3 of their top tips

1: Remember to breathe
It sounds strange, but when we are nervous, we can hold our breath without realising we are doing so. Before you start a presentation, check you are breathing deeply from your diagphragm. This will take only a couple of seconds and make you physically calmer.

2: Say 3 things slowly
Most of us will not remember more than 3 points. So when planning your talk, keep it to a maximum of 3. And count them off so the audience knows what to expect. Use natural, clear language, not jargon. The more slowly you speak, the more powerful you sound.

3: Engage your audience
Don’t be afraid to ask questions, use an unusual way of grabbing attention (a startling quote, statistic or fact) or ask the audience to vote by raising their hands or standing up.

Our Ideas into Action participants used all these tools and more to give the first ‘pitches’ during our workshop which made a real impact. Why not give them a go next time you are facing an audience?

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