The National Lottery Community Fund

About The National Lottery Community Fund

TNLCF, also known as The Big Lottery Fund, was established in 1994 to distribute money raised by lottery players for good causes.

As the biggest community funder in the UK, (£600 million per year), it mainly supports projects and activities that transform communities and enrich lives through arts, sports and culture.

We started working with TNLCF in 2013 and, since then and up to 2023, have delivered seven successful projects with grants from their Awards for All scheme.

Sickle Cell Project (2017-2018) 

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is an inherited disorder affecting red blood cells, which carry oxygen in the blood. It is found mainly in people from African or Caribbean descent. People with this disease often suffer fatigue and severe pain. Many have major difficulties in 'disclosure' of their condition due to prevalent stigma and misunderstanding about the disease. 

We worked at the Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Centre with 12 participants in a programme that included group workshops and individual coaching sessions. 

The project’s aim was to give people with SCD increased awareness of their capabilities and strengths, building personal confidence in setting their goals and finding the best ways to achieve these. This included looking at the impact of the disease on them and sharing ideas on the best ways to handle it. It also promoted supportive networks.

We made a short film about the project. 

Resilience Beyond Crisis (2020)
For people working in the Migration and Refugee sector.

Result provided three online group workshops and six individual coaching sessions for 12 people working in the Migration and Refugee sector. This was primarily a global majority group which had been disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 crisis.

A partner organisation, Knowledge Equity, had a set of participants ready and motivated to benefit from the support we offered and we worked closely with Knowledge Equity on this project.

The main aims of the project were to increase the participants’ personal confidence and to reduce fears, including those associated with the pandemic and its impact. Also, we focussed on developing their communication skills and boosting their capacity to support those in the M&R community. 

‘Coaching was most beneficial, but the whole workshop and group discussions were very useful and interesting.’

‘I realised that my lack of assertiveness causes stress, tension, and pressure. Practical exercises and playing roles helped me to understand how to practice being more assertive every day.’


Restart with Strengths (2021)
Arts organisations were amongst the most severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This was especially true of Result’s project group: community arts organisations led by people with lived experience of being marginalised.

Our programme of both group workshops and individual coaching sessions was designed for twelve disabled, deaf and/or LGBTQ+ people leading or participating in community arts groups. We encouraged them to gain confidence in their strengths and skills in order to enhance their organisations further. 

Topics included finding strength during change, communicating impactful messages, thinking about values and mindsets, as well as asking for help assertively and making the most of their networks.

‘All the things I have been thinking about were in the back of my mind, but with coaching I felt that I could bring it to the front and talk about how to address many issues.’   

‘The most useful thing about the programme was moving on from being ‘stuck’ to having lots of new ideas, and courage to take steps forward.’ 


George House Trust (2013-2019)
Three projects supporting people with HIV
See George House Trust

Greater Manchester Immigration Advisory Unit (2015-2016)
A project designed to support recent immigrants to Manchester


Company Reg Number: 8096008

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