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News Articles
Learning to live with acquired deafness
Jane reflects on the impact of losing hearing, with contributions from a professional lipspeaker who works to support lipreaders: Sarah Maguire.
Exploring arts access
Blog two of three in a series in which Jane Cordell explores disability and access to the arts.
When Teams can feel lonely
What is it like to run a workshop online as a deaf facilitator who has never quite trusted technology? Jane takes us through the experience of running a full-day online workshop with a group on Teams.
There's so much to catch up on
Hormoz writes about what has kept us busy over the last few months.
Driving myself? Crazy!
Jane describes the long and winding journey of being an older deaf learner driver.
Being D/deaf: Telling it like it is(n’t)?
Jane considers tokenism in representing deaf people.
A deaf spectrum? Deaf Awareness in 2022
How many of your colleagues have hearing loss? You might be surprised by the answer.
Inclusive policy making?
Did you know that the UK Government's disability strategy has been declared illegal by the High Court?
Our new 'Awards For All' grant
We are delighted to report that Result CIC has been successful in securing another 'Awards for All' grant from The National Lottery Community Fund.
Enjoying music as a deaf person
Jane explains why this is more important than most of us realise and introduces her vlog for Music and the Deaf.
Masking the issue?
Jane reflects on how masks can affect communication.
Deaf and hearing people: working together
Hormoz and Patrick Davies who is on Result CIC’s Advisory Panel reflect on their experiences working with Jane and other deaf people.
Access all (some) areas?
It's 2020 but disabled people are still facing access issues.
Safe Journey
Jane looks at barriers to independent travel for disabled people.
Opening the world of sound: lipspeakers
What is 'lipspeaking'?
Painful process? How you help yourself when you feel disempowered
Art for all?
Jane Cordell on the limitations placed on d/Deaf and disabled people attending the arts.
Access to work: what it means to us
Jane and James have a chat about Access to Work
When the music stops
Are you 'deaf aware'?
Hearing Dogs for the Deaf dog walk
Dusty and Result CIC raise money for a great cause
Salford CVS
42nd Street
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