Disabilty Empowers Leadership Talent: DELTA

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Hormoz writes about the ongoing growth and impact of our DELTA programme with the Civil Service. Could you benefit from a similar programme?

Our flagship programme for disabled staff in the Civil Service is called DELTA. It stands for Disability Empowers Leadership Talent. Starting in 2020, we have delivered it over four years and have just launched the programme which will run in 2025 from January to July.

It started from a group of 26 people joining in its first pilot year, culminating in 196 graduating up until the summer of 2024. And in 2025 there are another 100 people to join it! The numbers alone say a lot about how the programme has been received thus far.

There has also been powerful qualitative feedback like ‘absolutely transformative’ and ‘life changing’. We have written extensively about this programme (Case Study 3) and over several blogs. We have carefully adapted and redesigned parts of the delivery, based on the needs of each year’s cohort and the Result team consistently say how rewarding coaching and facilitation have been.

With the most recent group of 76 participants, we did an exercise at the end of the programme, asking them what they felt or had gained from their experience over the seven months of DELTA. We were delighted to see this word cloud and proud to share it with you:

We are now looking forward to working with the next 100 participants. If you feel that colleagues in your organisation could benefit from a similar programme, contact us here.

We are what we do and we love what we do.


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